Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jack's Gotcha Day

About a minute old
10 hours old

Above-Alison's mom and Jack
Below-Alison and Jack (Jack is about 2 weeks old)

While we naturally still love to celebrate Jack's birthday, his "Gotcha" Day is special, too. Yesterday, April 21st was officially Jack's Gotcha Day. The adoption community affectionately refers to this day as the day the child is placed in the care of the adoptive couple. Here are few of the highlights of his birth:

1. After 18 hours of Labor and not the day we thought (we assumed he would be born on the 18th--we even wrote it on the paperwork and had to change it later) Jack was finally born at 1:49 am, 9 pounds 2.6 ounces. 21 inches long.

2. About 12:30 am his lovely birthmother invited Alison to join her, her aunt and cousin into the delivery room. While Alison was completely unprepared for that experience, it was so touching. The doctor also let her cut Jack's umbilical cord.

3. The door was purposely left open during the delivery so Jeff and Alison's mom could hear everything happening. They thought it would be a while before they would be able to see Jack but literally 60 seconds after he was born, a sweet nurse took Jack and Alison to show Jeff and Alison's mom.

4. It was a bitter-sweet parting at the hospital Saturday around noon on April 21st. Our hearts were full of compassion for Jack's birthmother. Hence, this was the day we took Jack home and became his parents. It was love! We are so thankful for his life and the life of his birthmother. He is truly a gift!