A couple weekends ago we went with our friends Nate, Katrina, Lilia and Malachi to a Fall Apple Farm. It was sooo much fun. You can see my terrified face in this picture. We (adults) had a hilarious time pushing each other in this "hamster ball." The funny thing is that every one of us, screamed like a little girl as it went around, men not excluded. This was digging in corn. It was really cool and the boys loved the texture playing in it. Yes, we did survive Monster Mountain. Don't you think we should use this picture as our Christmas photo? There was also a zip line swing. I also screamed like a girl. This is adorable Lilia. She is 4 weeks younger than Jack. They are the best little friends. It was so pretty in the pumpkin patch.
Back to our trip to see Matt, Stacy, and the kids. This is the newest addition, Carson. He is such a doll and Drew was smitten by him and wanted to keep holding him (this is a good sign for when the next baby comes :)). More from our vacation up North to see Matt and Stacy. They were literally flying right by us (explained in the next post)! It was so fun to watch, but so noisy! Its been a very fun Fall!!
We would love to hear from you! Please feel free to email us at: hope2adopt@live.com Or contact our agency at: 614-836-2466
Jeff and Alison
Christmas Eve 2011
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." -Lao Tzu
Current Favorite Adoption Quote
By adopting a child and helping them reach their potential, they help us reach ours. An adopted child is not an unwanted child; to the contrary. They are a child who was searched for, prayed for, cried for, begged for, received by arms that ached, making empty hearts full.
5 Years Old
3 Years Old
Our Family
A Little About Us...
We have been married ten years. Jeff is a Podiatrist. He specialized in Foot and Ankle Medicine and Surgery and loves his job! Alison has a degree in Elementary Education and enjoyed teaching first grade until Jack joined our family through open adoption in April 2007. Now, she loves being a stay-at-home mom of two boys!